How to Track Anyone's Location in just Three Steps

How to Track Anyone's Location in just Three Steps

In this Article, I will show you how you can track anyone, either mobile or desktop user. And this method provide you with the actual coordinate of the targeted user. This involve three steps which I will walk you through in a couple of word and images for illustration.

Step 1:

This first step involve getting the user's ip address, basically, ip addresses are unique identifiers of devices which are used for communicating within the internet or a local area network. However, it is widely used for tracking the location of devices.

To get the Target/Victim's ip, we will use an iplogger to grab the victims ip address. To get it we start, go to

IPLogger website Image

The Preview of the Website looks like the above picture, and the website is easy to navigate.

IP Logger Website

Now paste any website URL to redirect the victim, in this example I shortened my website URL to redirect anyone that clicks it to the website. As you can see in the above picture, two buttons are provided below the input field, we will click on "Create a Shortlink".

IPLogger Shortened URL

This is the Link information, you may wish to select an extension for the url as given, but I will chosose to leave it like this without an extension, all we want to do is just to copy the shortened URL by clicking the button provided before it or simply use your cursor to do so.

At this point, you will find a way to trick the user to click on the shortened URL.

IPLogger Clicked URL

As seen in the above picture, a user clicked from Nigeria, it provided some little information about the user such as the date/time, ip address/provider, device, referring page. But all we concern about is the IP Address. 

Step 2:

We found the victim's address, now we move to the second steps to how we can get the user's coordinates.

Goto, below picture is the preview of the site.

IP Geolocation

In the above picture, I won't be using that IP address because it may belong to someone, so I used Google's IP address, as you can see, it provides a few information about Google.

Google's IP Address

All we want is the Latitude and Longtitude, now you copy it and we move to the last step.

Step 3: 

In these step we will be using Google Maps to track the user's exact location.

Now go to Google Maps and Paste the Latitude and Longtitude, seperating them with a comma, an example is show in the picture below.

Lat & Long

Boom, this displays the exact location of the Victim.

Google's Location
Now, we can use the satelite view to preview the user's location, we can use 3d view to navigate around

Google's Location

Note: this is only for educative and informative purpose only, we didn't encourage any illegal activities or randomly tracking users location without their permission.

Thanks for reading, happy tracking.

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