Python Coding, Why Learn it?


Python Coding, Why should I learn?

What is Python?
Python is a High Level Language that was developed by Python Software Foundation in 1991. It is a General Purpose Programming Language that supports almost all platforms like Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS and Android.

Why Learn Python?
Nowadays, Python is the most used programming language in the world. It gain so much popularity because of it simplicity, flexibility, beginner friendly simple syntaxes. Python is among the most easiest programming languages which you can learn the basics in the month or less, Python code is human readable as one can understand what is running in the code by just looking at it.

Python have a bunch of built-in libraries like OS for working with the file system and Tkinter for Graphical User Interface Development.

Infact, you can write a few lines of code 6-7 lines that can do a lot more than what 10-15 lines of C++ or Java can do. More importantly, identifying a bug in Python is not as complex as other programming languages.

Please refer to Python Documentation for more details.

Python is not only used by prorammers, it is also used by Accountants for Data Analysis and Visualization as well as Network Engineers to automate there task and carry them out quickly.

Uses of Python
Python is a Multi-Purpose Programming Language that almost specialize in anything, Such as Web, AI, ML etc.

Web Development: Django and Flask are widely used as backends for web applications today. Django have gain popularity that many companies such as Instagram, Pinterest, Spotify and Mozilla are using Django as their Web Application Backend.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Python is the widest use programming language in the aspect of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning using libraries like Tensorflow.

Data science: Python have libraries for Data Science such as Numpy and Pytorch.

Network Automation: with the use of libraries such as Netmiko, python plays a vital role in automating the job of Network Engineers.

Graphical User Interface: Tkinter and PyQT are widely used in GUI developments with a very little lines of code.

Cyber Security: Python is used by Penetration Testers to automate so many tasks like port scanning and brute forcing directories. Most hacking scripts you will ever download are python scripts.

Game Development: Pygame makes it easy for game Developers to develop games with fewer lines of code.

Now it is time for you to start learning Python and select the best library according to your needs.
Let me know what you wanna develop with Python in the comment box and stand a chance to win a Premium Python Course for free.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

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